The mission statement of the Commission is “ To bring the Good News of the Catholic Catechism to all, to open minds and hearts to the grace of the Holy Spirit, and to further the Catholic Faith”. The Director of Religious Education, in conjunction with the Pastor, select members of the Parish to serve on the Commission in order to achieve the goals set forth in the mission statement.
Coos Council 1261 began in 1907, consisting of Catholic men from the area parishes, dedicated to the Protection of the Faith and Service. That tradition has continued and their outreach has grown to include Honor Guards at Special Masses and events, along with lay ministry and ushering at Masses. The Knights are instrumental in planning and Organizing such events as the Life Chain, Unity Day Picnic, Easter Egg Hunt, Mother’s Day Brunch and the Christmas basket Project-which provides more than 700 needy families in the Bay Area with food.LITURGY COMMISSION
The Liturgy Commission at Holy Redeemer Parish gives direction to the liturgical and communal prayer life of the parish community. The members assist the Pastor, DRE (Director of Religious Education) and staff on the planning and preparation of the Liturgy. This commission is also responsible for the training and formation of the various liturgical ministries, such as EMHC (Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion), Lectors, Altar Servers, Hospitality/Ushers, musicians, and the environment within the church to reflect the liturgical seasons.